Decidedly Christian. Distinctively Classical.

The Live Oak Impact

As you spend time with a Live Oak graduate, you’ll notice something remarkable: A young person…

Whose mind is animated by intellectual curiosity and a desire to know. Whose character is marked by surprising depth and the ability to contemplate issues within the broader context of life’s big questions. Whose faith is equipped to approach life’s mysteries with enduring confidence in God’s good work in our world. Whose heart is filled with love of neighbor, both far and near, and love of God, above all.

The Live Oak graduate embraces life with joy and a profound conviction that this world matters because of its eternal horizons.

Hear from a Live Oak Alum about the impact of a Live Oak Education:

What Live Oak Means To Our Community
While putting my 4 year old child to bed we normally sing songs as he drifts off to sleep that are gospel or hymnal songs. After three months of being a Junior Kindergarten student at Live Oak, my son informed me that tonight he wanted me to sing a new song. I asked him what song, and he replied, “Sing the Doxology, Dad.” He then sang the song for me, and in that moment my heart was touched as I realized the everlasting qualities Live Oak was assisting me as a parent through planting the seeds of songs to God that will carry with my son for a lifetime. This is only one story, and I must say that my heart is touched, changed, and blessed beyond measure by Live Oak through the overflow of my child’s education but even more by his deepening love for our Savior Jesus Christ.
Grammar Parent
Excellence in Classical Education in Waco, Texas
Grammar School
Main Office
400 S. 4th Street
Waco, Texas 76706
(254) 714-1007
Logic & Rhetoric School
420 S. 5th Street
Waco, Texas 76706
(254) 714-1008