Our Mission
Live Oak Classical School strives to equip students to love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds. We draw on the classical tools of learning to prepare students to reason clearly, communicate effectively, and act responsibly in the world – all for the Glory of God.
At A Glance
Since opening our doors in 2004, Live Oak Classical has grown from 35 to almost 500 students in grades Junior Kindergarten (pre-kindergarten) through 12th grade. Our campus is located in the heart of downtown Waco, Texas and has become recognized for providing families with an exemplary education in a Christ-centered, enriching community.
Our Motto
Fides quaerens intellectum, meaning faith seeking understanding. Attributed to St. Anselm of the 11th century, who saw faith as the guiding force behind understanding and as the way to appreciate the world God created.
Core Values
Classical Approach
Love of Learning
Christian Worldview
Intentionally Ecumenical
Our Verse
They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.
Isaiah 61:3b
Our Crest

The Wreath
The crest for Live Oak Classical School is a beautifully designed wreath of leaves harkening back to the Greek and Roman sign of honor.

The Acorn
The oak tree’s seed, an acorn, is located in the center of the wreath just as children are central to Live Oak’s mission to develop students academically, spiritually, and socially.

The Cross
The acorn is emblazoned with a cross on the front to symbolize that it is Christ’s work which will produce growth.

Rays of Glory
Behind the acorn, one can see rays of glory splaying in all directions to represent that the work Christ has done will not be hidden within the student or the school but will shine out to the community to show forth the glory of God.

Our Motto
On the wreath is our Latin motto “Fides quaerens intellectum”, which means “faith seeking understanding”. This quote is from St. Anslem of the 11th Century, who recognized the relationship between faith and understanding.
The History of Live Oak Classical School

From A Tiny Seed

Branching Out

Putting Down Roots