A Culture of erring on the side of grace and generous assumptions. A culture of piety in the sense that we remind ourselves that there are things we ought to think, do, and say in light of who God is and who we are. A few Live Oak liturgical, social, academic, family-orientated traditions are listed below.

- The History Faire
- Hobbit Day
- Grammar 2 Valentine Tea
- Junior Kindergarten – Grammar 1 plays
- Evening of the Arts
- Fall Festival
- LOved Ones Day
- Decathlon and Spelling Bee
- Herculean Challenge
- Titan Trials
The House System
Historical Basis
The house system is a traditional method of dividing students within a school into different groups for the purposes of camaraderie and competition. This system is widely used in British schools and schools that model themselves after the British system. This system was adopted by day schools, where the term ‘house’ refers simply to groupings of pupils, largely for the purpose of competition. Houses are usually named after people of historical significance, saints, colors, or animals. Competitions range from character and academic achievements, debating competitions and service projects, just to name a few.
Grammar Houses
The Grammar Houses of Live Oak Classical School are comprised of Amethyst, Azurite, Galena, and Quartz. They are designed to encourage competition between students and to create a support system for our students by fostering a sense of belonging and establishing a sense of tradition while providing opportunities for leadership. House points are tallied up at the end of each week and the running total is eagerly awaited by all students and announced during the assembly times. There is keen but good-natured rivalry among the four Houses to see who will win the House Awards each year.
Logic & Rhetoric Houses
The Logic and Rhetoric Houses are comprised of the Houses of Augustine, Dante, Lewis, and O’Connor: all great Christian thinkers and authors. Not only do these Houses represent an outlet for friendly competition, but they also provide opportunities for students of multiple grade levels to interact for their mutual betterment and mentorship. Furthermore, it offers opportunity for student leadership and representation from each high school class as well as ample all school involvement.